jjust wanna shouted out loud !

arrrgghhhh kesell bgt !! kenapa sih selalu begini nasib gw , OMG pleasee deh ah tuh ank kek ga nyadar apa yaa . gw ksel bgt td ngedenger dy ngmng something aduhhh sebeell !!
B tuh maunya apa sih ???
gw ga bsa ga suka sm dy knp yaaa ??
i like him , but i thing he like her ! huhhh .. what should i do ??
arggghhh bete bete bete bete ,,

btw ,, lgi suka lagu stand by me SHANE WARD . search dehh bgus2 deh hahah
nih liriknya :D

Nothing's impossible
Nothing's unreachable
When I am weary
You make me stronger
This love is beautiful
So unforgettable
I feel no winter coat
When where together When were together

Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told

When day turns into night
I look into your eyes
I see my future now
All the world and its wonder

This love won’t fade away
And through the hardest days
I'll never question this
You are the reason
Why only reason

Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told

I am blessed
To find what I need
In a world loosing hope
You’re my only believe
You make things right
Every time after time

Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told

[Repeat chorus]

Stand by me
No more darlin
I want you by my side
I want you here with me

besokkk mau pergii bakal kangen sama B huhu
seneng sih mau jalan2 tpiii kangen juga sama B
B misss youu baibaaaii

udh dl yaa
byeee mau beresin baju nih hoho

haloooo :D

hayyy everyone sorry bru nge post lgi. dr kmren males bgt rasanya buka blogger wkwkw.
udh lama bgt ya ga ngepost apapun disnii
padahall there are so much things to tell :D
ehmmmm gw lgi suka sama seseorang yang gw panggi "B"
ehmmmm dy kocak,keren,cakep, he always makes me happy
gw suka bgt ma dy, huahahahhhaha :Demng rda freakk tpi gmna lagi yaa ?
oh iya, mau ceritain kmren tuh libur lebarn suck bgt ! anrittt bete abis di rumah udh gt mba harti ga balik lg , hikz . tpi skrng udh ada mba baru sih wkwkkw
btw, hari jumat mau spore sama mama :D wew senengg sekali *noraks abis gw
tpi bakal kangen "B" hihi
oh iyaaaa ada lagi yang mau diceritain :
huaaa OMG OMG OMG kmren B tlp gw . OMG gila abis deh gw .
hahahhhahah . gw kyk salting gt lahh

aduh sumpah ni ank supir gw annoying bgt ! ganggu mulu kerjanya nanyaa MULU
stress bgt dy

eh udh dlu yaa
caooooo byebye